Wednesday, April 15, 2009


After some excitement yesterday afternoon and evening, Jack's home from school today recuperating. He'd been complaining of ear pain for less than 24 hours and woke from his nap with a 102.3 fever. I gave him a round of motrin and when the fever didn't come down after an hour and a half I called the pediatrician for some advice. They were able to schedule Jack for an appointment this afternoon at 3:45 - an ETERNITY when you've got a kiddo who was as sick as Jack was yesterday afternoon. Still, I jumped at the appointment since it was the only one they had available today. Thankfully, Dr. Davidson overheard the conversation I was having with the nurse and called in some ear drops to help Jack with the pain till we could get in this afternoon. We went ahead with dinner (Caroline and I, Jack laid on the couch) and then did bathtime while we were waiting on the drops to be ready at the pharmacy. About 6:30 we headed to CVS and while we were there I grabbed another bottle of Tylenol since the Motrin wasn't doing the trick for the fever which was now at 104.8. I was hemming and hawing about whether to take Jack to urgent care or not. Well, my question was very clearly answered when Jack threw up all over the backseat as soon as I put him in the car when we were leaving the pharmacy. I told Jason to come straight home to be with Caroline so I could run him in. We headed home and had a quick bath and I cleaned the car (thanks Erin for coming over!) while waiting for Jason to get home. By now Jack had some serious chills and was crying and crying. I felt so badly for him. Just before Jason arrived Jack konked out on the couch. I woke him and we left for Cooks Urgent Care in Hurst around 7:30. Well, we finally got to see the doc around 10pm and the diagnosis was ear infection with a perforated eardrum. Poor guy! We finally got Jack home and in bed around 11pm and we've been taking it easy all day.


Michelle said...

Poor little guy! Get well soon Jack!

Nicole said...

Hope he gets to feeling better soon, both my girls are sick and now I am but nothing as bad as Jack sounds... poor guy!

Crissy and Kevin said...

been there- hope he feels better soon! The me knwo if I can do anything to help.

carridawn said...

I am so sorry! I hope that Jack starts feeling better quickly. PJs, Veggie Tales and lots of snuggling is the best way for recovery :) Sending y'all our love!

Jenny Seymore said...

I do so hope that he is feeling better. I can only tell yout that 4 or 5 weeks ago we went throw virtually the same thing with Lucas. When the fever start breaking into the 103's & 104's...I start panicking! Thank Goodness someone was able to see him!