Monday, February 14, 2011

And she's 3!

I know I'm only a month late but things happen, right?

Caroline's third birthday was pretty low key for most of the day. In fact, sweet girl didn't want to get out her jammies till it was time for her party that afternoon (4:30) so she didn't. It was her birthday, after all. We started the morning with a birthday breakfast - waffles, eggs, and bacon.

Incidentally, I'd been asking her all week what she wanted for birthday brekkie. Her answer? Chicken. I finally talked her in to actual breakfast food and then she had chicken for dinner that night.

Ok ,where was I... We spent the rest of the day just hanging out at the house since we had her party at ASI Gymnastics. Can I just say how much I LOVE having parties at places that are not my house. I tend to stress and go a little OCD when I'm having a party at home. Letting someone else worry about prep and clean-up is FANTASTIC!

We had SUCH a fun time at the party playing with friends, eating cake, and opening presents. Then we headed back home to have dinner and relax with family before bedtime. So nice.

Ever since her party, Caroline has been throwing birthday parties almost daily for her dolls. Too cute. She's such a great hostess! Silly girl.

And now it's time for picture overload!
Happy Birthday Breakfast!annnnnd BLOW!
Presents from Mama, Daddy, and Jack
She LOVES her card! It sings to her.She stayed in this outfit most of the day.
Jack, playing in the foam pit before the party startsJUMP!It's hard to tell but they're all in the air here!Most of the party crew...
Savannah, Tamia, Bre, Drew, Jack, Selah, Melana, Caroline, Sariah, Allie, and MichaelaSelah and Sariah in the crazy tunnel maze
Peekaboo!She did not like the rope swing.REALLY did not like it.Cake time!Happy birthday to youuuuuu!2/3 of the Dazey kidsMmmmm... C and Melana chowing downTamia and Bre
Jack, Caroline, and EllaThis just cracked me up!
I love this. It's not the best pic but I'm sure they're telling sweet secrets!

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