Thursday, April 10, 2008

3 months old!

Sweet Caroline turned 3 months old on the day her big brother turned 2 - see post below to read about our day. What a cutie our baby girl is! She loves to laugh and talk to you and is becoming quite the bubble blower! She loves to look at ceiling fans and is a great eater. She'll put a grown man to shame with the gas she has though - super loud! Caroline likes baths but HATES to get out. She loves to be held and sees no use for bouncy seats or swings - or the carseat for that matter. She loves her brother and he can almost always make her laugh. Caroline can now roll from tummy to back and just today rolled from back to tummy. Car-bear has also started sticking her tongue out at you if you do it first - so funny! Those 3 months went so fast! It's hard to believe she's not a "newborn" anymore!

Funny tummy time faces!What?!Woah, there are lots of colors on this quilt!

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