these are a few of my favorite things!
I've been meaning to do a post like this ever since my good friend Kim did this on her
blog several months ago. I love...
My cloth diapers. We switched to cloth nearly a year ago and never looked back. Our main reason for going the cloth route was the money-saving aspect (we were spending over $100/month in diapers and wipes for two kids). Now that I'm a convert I love the fact that I'm not putting plastic and chemicals on my little lady's bum. And,
AND they're so stinkin' cute! I primarily use the
BumGenius! 3.0 but also love
My wipes warmer. This goes right along with my cloth diapers. With Jack, we used the wipes warmer for about 6 months and then it was just a pain. Our wipes already came in their own container and it was kind of pointless to move them from one to another. Everything changed when we started cloth diapering. We now use cloth wipes (baby washcloths with
wipes solution poured over them) that are kept nice and toasty in the wipes warmer. So nice.
My baby slings. All of them. I'm a huge proponent of baby wearing and have worn Caroline since the day she came home from the hospital. In my collection I have a
Maya Wrap, a
Peanut Shell, a
Hotsling, a
Moby Wrap, and an
Ergo Baby Carrier. All are great for different things. the Peanut Shell and Hotsling were great for popping the little one in and out of when she was tiny, tiny. The Maya I used on quick trips in and out of places - easy on, easy off. The Moby I loved to put on in the morning and leave on all day - this is my favorite carrier for itty-bitties and is wonderfully hands-free. And my favorite now is the Ergo. It is SOOOO comfortable - for both mommy and baby.
My Britax carseats. Both my kiddos ride in
Britax Decathlons. They're safe, comfortable, and stylish. Fabulous.
My DVR. I'd be lost without it. I hate commercials. It also allows me to fast forward through all the fluff that Extreme Makeover: Home Edition fills their hour up with. Seriously, I just want to see the house, thankyouverymuch.
My zoo membership. Thank the Lord that we live just minutes away from the
Fort Worth Zoo. It was named the number 5 zoo in the nation by the USA Travel Guide last year and for good reason. They have so many great exhibits and are so accommodating to families. Jack and Caroline never, ever get tired of going. We can usually hit the ground running when the gates open at 10, see most of the animals, get in a picnic lunch and a train ride and be back home in time for nap. Wonderful.
Jack's Teach Me Time Clock. This thing is awesome! It's a clock that has a light that turns from yellow to green when it reaches a time you set so that your child knows when it's okay to get out of bed. We bought it several months ago and didn't have much success with it. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that we started using it in conjunction with a sticker chart (sticker charts are a big hit with Jack) that we fell in love with it! Jack was always coming into our room between 5:20 and 6:00. Waaay too early for us. He now stays in his bed till 6:20 when the light turns green and sometimes sleeps later. We're slowly bumping the time back to buy us a little extra time in the mornings and hopefully "train" him not to be such an early riser. It's working so far!
My Diet Dr. Pepper. I love it. So good. It's my drug of choice. I'm addicted. I'll freely admit that.
My camera. I shoot with a
Nikon D50. I'm not very schooled in using it out of the auto mode but I'm trying. I love it though and someday I just might use it properly. Really, I will.
And finally...
Target. Gotta show some love to Target. Where else can you go to get adorable baby clothes, groceries, toys, a Starbucks coffee, and a delicious bag of unnaturally yellow popcorn at the snack bar? We head there a couple of times a week to kill time and "visit" Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends in the toy section. Sometimes I actually pick up a thing or two on my shopping list. However, their return policy... well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
SO? What are your favorite things? Blog it! I love to read this kind of stuff!